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Data preparation : Removing duplicates

Duplicate values not only increase size of dataset but also create bias while training model. Duplicate cases are over weighted thus create bias in training  machine learning model. suppose there is customer data and one customer showed up 100 times and others just showed up only ones this defiantly confuse the model resulting in yielding wrong predictions  

Steps to remove duplicate values---
  1. Explore data and identify duplicate values(use exploratory analysis)[to learn about exploring data check out other posts on the blog].
        identify duplicates cases using ---
            -Unique id:-- if we are lucky enough we have given each entity with unique id. then it it bit easy to                                     remove duplicates    .
            -By value:-- identify using some value such as last name or address keep in mind there could be                                       two or more people with same last name or address .
       2.Removal strategy ---
                -keep most recent(or oldest):-- if you are keeping the recorded of customer last visited bank                         then keep the most recent date . if you are keeping record of most  when the acc was created                      then keep the oldest date .
                -Keep first
                -Keep last 
there is no any magic or formula that tells this strategy is best and other is worst you have to think through that which strategy will work for you after analysing the data.


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